Message from the Special Fiduciary – March 28, 2018

To: All Participants, Retirees and Beneficiaries of the Singing River Health System Employees’ Retirement Plan and Trust Dear Plan Participant, I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to give you an update regarding the hearing that took place yesterday in Judge Bell’s Chancery Court. First, it is important to remember the difference between … Continued

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Message from the Special Fiduciary – February 5, 2018

Traci M. Christian Special Fiduciary Singing River Health System Employees’ Retirement Plan and Trust February 5, 2018 To: All Participants, Retirees and Beneficiaries of the Singing River Health System Employees’ Retirement Plan and Trust Dear Plan Participant, I hope this letter finds you doing well as we are over a month into the new year. … Continued

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Update from Special Fiduciary – Dec. 20, 2017

Dear Plan Participant, I hope this letter finds you and your family blessed during this holiday season. In keeping with my commitment to let you know what is happening, I wanted to take this opportunity to touch base with you again as we are coming into the new year. I have heard from many of … Continued

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Message from Trustee

As part of my responsibility to administer, protect and manage the SRHS Pension Plan assets, we have recently completed a comprehensive audit review of participants’ records relating to the plan. The audit reaches back as far as the 1960′ s to check and double check these records, including: Qualifying Length of Service; Documented/ Verified Retirement … Continued

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Message from the Special Fiduciary

In 2014 and 2015, most, if not all of the retirees and employees of the SRHS had some information and perhaps misinformation on the dire financial condition and instability of the retirement pension plan. It had become well known that the employer (SRHS) had failed to contribute to the pension plan for years and yet … Continued

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